About the Author

  • I believe female characters should be strong, smart, and relatable. If you are looking for books with empowered female leads, you are in the right place.

    Laura Davies Tilley

  • "May you live in interesting times" is the curse with which all of my characters have been afflicted.

    Laura Davies Tilley

  • I love to laugh and I hope my books can make you laugh too.

    Laura Davies Tilley

  • Life is too short not to follow your passions.

    Laura Daves Tilley

Laura Davies Tilley (who also writes under the pen name Alyssa Roberts) writes historical fiction and historical romance. Historical times and people fascinate her, though she is grateful for today’s medical advancements, warm water, and people, especially her family, friends, and readers.
She writes historical romance set in various places, primarily in Regency England and Wales, and in Vermont during and around the American Revolutionary War.
She grew up in a family that loved to read and loved to tell stories, so her love of storytelling developed early. If she can tell you a story that makes you laugh, even better.
She was born in Vermont and grew up in New England. She now lives in Maryland, continuing her trend of living in beautiful places.